Essaouira in pictures

    Essaouira formerly known as "Mogador", Its medina has kept its authenticity both in design, shapes, and in terms of materials and construction methods. as you ca see in this those pictures, has retained the beauty and uniqueness of a late eighteenth century fortified city.


Built in Morrocan coast by European (portugal) military architecture of old time.  Essaouira is also renowned for windsurfing and kitesurfing, thanks to strong winds that blow almost constantly.

                                       Traditional Moroccan canon on the coast of Essaouira

                                                     Essaouira military wall with canons

                                                       Old medina of Essaouira

                                                              Essaouira medina streeto

                                                                   Essaouira coast

                                                             City center or old medina

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