Morocco, is it a safe country??

Although often in the typical Moroccan markets, souks, you will feel oppressed by merchants, you should wisely avoid aggressive reactions or rude because this attitude is part of the culture of the country and the people of North Africa in general. If you are interested in buying products that are offered declined so friendly and polite, do not respond with silence ever since it's considered rude and may be considered offensive. Better, then, to always find something to say, maybe in French, but it's good enough English, to extricate himself from the situation.

In markets beware of thieves who sometimes frequent these places in search of tourists and goods absorbed from the bewildered to clean them from their possessions. We advise you to leave the money in a safe place in your room, maybe choose one that offers the service you safe, and to bring with you only what you need. And obviously not frequented areas that could be dangerous.

The tour guides
You will often surrounded by numerous guide books, especially in the cities, those officially recognized by the state can offer interesting tours but be careful not to those officers, the most widespread and persistent. If you do not have an official guide but would like someone who did see the city, and perhaps discovering hidden places known only to the locals, try to figure out if the person you have in front of street is really interested to be your guide, or has the end only to rip you some money.

Some guides, in fact, cheat tourists, led him to unsafe areas or in areas not recommended. Do not rely on those who offer to take you back to the hotel or the restaurant since these patients may have the ulterior motive to scam.

Avoid the tour of the city it is not clear what you are visiting. Before accepting a path cleared down the cost and details of the program. If you want to take a guide from a relative for a cup of tea, politely refuse and if someone asked you to take with you back home a package for a relative, politely declined because within it could be hiding drugs.

Before leaving for Morocco to recommend medical insurance.

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